Frequently asked questions

Compare + Invest general FAQs

Compare + Invest makes its money very much in the same way as other comparison sites.
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How to understand investment platform costs

The charges levied by different platforms can vary greatly, and our calculator helps unravel these costs.
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What is the difference between Time in Market or Timing the Market?

The difference between ‘time in market’ and ‘timing the market’ is the approach investors take to investing in the stock market.
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What do the terms Do It Yourself, Do it With Me and Do it For Me mean?

An investment platform is an online service that enables investors to manage and execute their investments in a user-friendly and convenient way.
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Why should I use an investment platform?

Are there any costs not included in the calculator?

Do platform fees include fund management charges?

What’s the difference between an adviser platform and a DIY platform?

There are two types of platforms. Adviser platforms are used by financial advisers to manage and plan your financial affairs. 
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What’s the difference between a DIY, D2C and B2C platform?

The difference between Do It Yourself, Direct to Consumer and Business to Consumer is relatively minimal.
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